Post 2: Why did I choose my major?

             Here studing for my character. I played Isidora Aguirre for Los que van        quedando en el camino.

I always knew that I would become an actress. I interviewed myself as if I was a famous actress in front of the mirror when was alone in my bedroom. I always felt like flying when people gave me an aplausse for doing nothing. It's something crazy, but I'm trying to be sincere: My dream job was always being part of the "circus". 

I have always enjoyed creating all the crazy impossible ideas that come to my mind. When I was a child I didn't know how to make them come true, it was hard as my family was very tradionational (in kind of way). I mean, my sister was studiying stadistics and nobody had apretiation for arts. 

One day a took my sister's math book and I remember that my first reaction was a mix of frustration about what life is going to be to me. I cried for the thought of not being capable, i said to my mom, i can't do this, i don't understand nothing. I was just 7 years old.

My first presentation in public was La Pérgola de las Flores, a play written by Isidora Aguirre. I had the main character in that opportunity. After that I took the opportuniy to participate in every "artistic thing" or anything involving art.

From then on every decision I made has been in spite of living from and for the art. It wasn't easy because as well as we know, here in Chile it's kind of a privilige to dedicated your life to arts. So I have to take the hard path.

I studied journalism first. I finished my career, I considered myself very good at that, I worked as a journalist, but there was something wrong when I woke up in the morning to go to work, something kind of frustrating. So I decided not to be a frustrated person and I jumped in the pool. I took the five year art course at Universidad de Chile. Writting about this makes it sound simple, but theres a lot of effort behind that decision and lot of worries like: movin to another city, finding a good partime or freelance job, providing myself basic living stuff in order to have good mental health in a career that has issues with mental wellness.

In spite of everything my two experiences studiying two carers at the university were great, because after all I enjoy learning. Because after all learning is my motto.

Me and my coleague and best friend Noelia Coñuenao. We both dream about live from and for arts.


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